Several of Centerville's historic buildings were demolished in the 1960s to make way for new construction. To prevent further destruction of our historic buildings, Martha Boice, Landmarks Foundation founder, discussed with Mayor Paul Hoy the possibility of establishing an Architectural Preservation District (APD) as a way of protecting our historic buildings. The city established the APD in 1972 (shown in yellow on the map) and it has helped to protect many of our historic properties, preserving our rich history for future generations.
Martha proceeded to identify and provide research on the important buildings within the APD, an area referred to as the Historic District (shown in red on the map). She then submitted an application to have this district included in the National Register of Historic Places. The Centerville Historic District was entered in the Register in 1974 – making it the first National Register District in Montgomery County, OH.
The Landmarks Foundation, with the support of volunteers and sponsors, hope to continue in Martha’s footsteps to preserve our rich architectural heritage.